British Council Training at UMT Campus

Earlier today UMT Participants attended British Council Training at UMT Campus on Ative Citizen.

Active Citizens are young, empowered leaders who bring positive change in their communities through constructive social action. The Active Citizens programme promotes community cohesion and intercultural dialogue through civic engagement and volunteering globally.
It aims to contribute to positive social change locally and globally by establishing an enduring international network of young leaders who act together to address grass-root initiatives around the world. It also encourages these young leaders to play a bigger role in their local communities by engaging thought influencers through dialogue, and through civic engagement with community-based organisations.
The Active Citizens programme links civil society, community leaders and other networks in Pakistan, the United Kingdom, and other countries. It aims to deepen trust and understanding within and between communities. Participants gain various skills including cross-cultural communication and multicultural dialogue, and its effective role in community action.
According to Pakistan: The Next Generation report, more than half of Pakistan’s population is under the age of 30. This could mean great things for Pakistan’s future provided young people are given direction, guidance, and most importantly the confidence to play a part in their country’s development.
Active Citizens outreach in Pakistan is increased by engaging young people in different parts of the country through a national network of civil society partner organisations.
Young people trained by partner organizations, then initiate and participate in Social Action Projects (SAPs) in their local communities. Partner organisations, local government and community influencers support these young leaders by mentoring them and providing them access to resources and technical support. The Active Citizens programme is built around four components:
